Crisp Autumn Morning View

Posted: Monday, October 5, 2009
This is our view on clear, cold autumn mornings.

 The view from our front windows across the town sports oval and park on a crisp autumn morning - trees turning crimson and mist rising into the clear cold air.

As you can see, the fence hasn't progressed at all over the past week or so since Easter.

By the way, if anyone actually reads this blog, please, please comment. If I don't get some feedback soon, posts on this blog might very well dwindle. Not to threaten or anything! And, in case someone does read this blog, let me take this opportunity to say 'Thanks!' Let me know what things you really like to hear about or see and I will try to incorporate those things more.



  1. Alicat October 5, 2009 at 6:57 PM
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  2. Alicat October 5, 2009 at 7:14 PM

    Hey CC!
    Hahaha, I HAVE been reading your blog, and I have been getting the same feeling that you have of no one viewing it. As it so happens, a hit counter helps a lot. Mine rose over 10,000 surprisingly enough when I left my blog alone for a while due to lack of ideas (which reminds me, I WAS going to post something up, then got engrossed in re-reading posts on your blog!) and came back to it a while later. I have NO IDEA how I could have gotten so many hits, but I know for a fact that the counter doesn't stuff up. So all I need now is some more things to arrange and research! If you go to my blog, and look at the hit counter, there is a little button you can click on to get one of your own.
    Middy A

  3. Click October 5, 2009 at 8:13 PM

    Hey Middy A! Yes, I was looking at those hit counters the other day. I didn't see one that really jumped out at me, but I haven't given up on the idea yet.

    Thanks for commenting!

  4. Click October 5, 2009 at 8:14 PM

    By the way - ten thousand hits, when you weren't posting! Phew! Though Madd was just saying something similar has happened on her blog.

  5. Alicat October 5, 2009 at 8:18 PM

    Yeah, I'm not sure what happened there, surely not that many random people have looked at my blog, although that IS possible.
    Hmm.. I will have to think about it.
    Middy A