Over Ten Days

Posted: Thursday, April 9, 2009
From July 10th, 2006 to July 20th, many different things were in the pipeline. Dad began on the first steps, using concrete slabs that the bobcat had dug out of the ground. Waste not, want not.

It was a cold winter.

Here we are just fooling around in the late afternoon sun, but there are some interesting details in the background. The main one is the infamous diamond pane window, temporarily installed on the front of the house. (Between the younger girl's heads.) As can probably be imagined, the view through the window, as opposed to around the edges, was paltry and very interrupted by such small panes. Where it ended up, on the back of the house, there is a pretty view, but a short range view, of the garden. The small diamond panes seem to enhance that view, instead of hindering it.

Those readers with sharp eyes may be able to pick out a square-ish window tacked up under the peak of the roof. At this stage we were thinking to turn the veranda we'd enclosed (that we were trying to decide on windows for) into a dining room or sitting room with a cathedral ceiling. A cathedral ceiling because of the subtle difference that would make to the atmosphere of the room, and the light and view we could then access. The square window was basically to let a little extra light in. But we ended up changing our minds - for a change! We still altered the ceiling height in that room, but ended up dropping it eight or so inches, instead.

Figuring out the fence line. I believe that where the string line is being held, the corner post was to be.

'Scuse my scowl, again, I appear to have a gift for pulling horrible faces. Actually, the sun reflecting off the foil backed insulation, straight into our eyes. Mum and I were trying to sort out the window situation. As can be seen below, Dad is suggesting window heights.

In the end we decided to keep the top of the glass in the windows level, all the way across the house.