Local Wildlife

Posted: Monday, September 28, 2009
Here are some photos of our local wildlife that were taken during January 2007.

Kookaburra in our Willow tree
Kookaburra sits in the old [willow] tree.

frog on the edge of our sink
Frog on the edge of our sink inside our bathroom.

Frog in our bathroom
It was a rather active frog.

 cockatoos on our lawn

Glick holding a dragonfly
Glick and a friendly dragonfly.

Escapee peacock in the front yard
No, not native - an escapee Peacock from an aviary down the road.

Hairy brown spider
Either a Wolf spider (more ugly than dangerous) or a Funnel web (at least as dangerous as ugly); we didn't bother trying to confirm either way.

Silly Galahs
And you thought human kids nag. Trust me, living next to a Galah nest is a test of your strength of mind.


  1. Anonymous September 28, 2009 at 5:28 PM

    Awww!!!! Cool Post Click! I love the comments about the peacock, hehe!!
    I forgot about the frog, causing quite a bit of excitement if I remember correctly..at night. Can you remember who found it? :D


  2. Click September 28, 2009 at 7:52 PM

    I can't remember. Maybe Tlick?