
Posted: Monday, September 14, 2009
Sorry for the long blogging silence, folks. Here are some photos that were taken a week or so after the time period covered in my last post. (September 7th, 2006.) They serve as a good this-is-where-we're-up-to-at-this-stage portfolio. Obviously the photos only show the outside of the house, but, as almost nothing had been touched inside as yet, these pictures don't miss much.

As can be seen, little or no landscaping has been done out the front or down the sides of the house, at this stage. The western wall of the house is the last wall waiting to be insulated and clad, and the cladding of the garage/workshop/laundry building is obviously incomplete too. However, three walls of our house now have new windows, insulation and cladding - we have light and warmth inside!


  1. bek axe September 15, 2009 at 10:31 AM

    Gee, everything looks so different!
    What a clever father you have :D

  2. Rachael September 15, 2009 at 11:09 AM

    I second that, Bek!
    I love looking at these pictures now, CLick... I can actually picture where everything is! (sort of; it was dark when I saw it all :)

  3. Click September 15, 2009 at 4:58 PM

    Thanks for commenting!

    Doesn't ot make a difference when you've actually been to a place and have a feel for the proportions and setting? I guess the pics don't seem quite so...abstract and unrelated. It was so good to have you guys over the other night - thanks for making the effort!